

Class of 2012
First choice school:
User stats
0 years (KJD)
Apps submitted
Scholarships Received
iheartepisodes's wisdom for future generations

School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
29 Boston College Accepted, Wi... Unknown
27 Boston University WL, Withdrawn Unknown Apr 08 2009-04-08
8 Columbia University WL, Rejected Unknown
5 Duke University Rejected Unknown
35 George Washington Un... Accepted, Wi... Unknown
15 Georgetown University WL, Accepted... Unknown Mar 18 2009-03-18
5 Harvard University Rejected Unknown Apr 03 2009-04-03
5 New York University Rejected Unknown
1 Stanford University Rejected Unknown
10 UCBerkeley WL, Withdrawn Unknown Mar 19 2009-03-19
14 UCLos Angeles Accepted, Wi... Unknown Apr 14 2009-04-14
22 UNorth Carolina Accepted, Wi... Unknown Mar 30 2009-03-30
4 UPennsylvania Rejected Unknown Feb 19 2009-02-19
60 URichmond Accepted, Wi... Unknown
16 USouthern California Pending, Wit... Unknown
8 UVirginia Accepted, At... Unknown Feb 28 2009-02-28
49 UWashington Accepted, Wi... Unknown
45 William & Mary Law S... Accepted, Wi... Unknown


General chat about the legal profession.
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my LOCI is nothing special, the specific wording probably matters very little as long as it is very clear that you will go over any school regardless of money. Yours does that, anything else is just seasoning
Yeah I just think yours is less wordy. I have a bad habit of making word salad. Great for philosophy debates, not great for law school emails
being concise is what you'll learn next year lol
are you interested in curriculum B as well?
Yes, very much so. My main interests are the classes taught by Professor Mark Jia on China and authoritarian regimes, the legistlative clinic, and the ethics journal outside of curriculum B
My interest in law is definitely more focused on government type work or the academic more abstract side. I'm not looking to really be a "lawyer" in the whole work in a firm, litigate, etc. sense. Also I am running low on messages if you're okay with swapping over to off topic
sounds good
love the wholesome mentoring between william and truth
wait, is there a limit to the number of messages you can send in this chat?
in the general chat you can only send 15 minutes in a certain amount of time, im actually not sure how much time. for all other chats you can send unlimited messages
huh, I guess I never chat enough on here to have ever even come close.
Does it give you warning when you're running low on messages you can send?
only an issue for us yappers
i use a laptop for this site and it keeps a little counter underneath the chatbox
i havent even finished my UG finals, taken the LSAT, or gotten LORs.. but im still pumped for law school :')
I've seen that but never paid it any mind
had no idea that's what that's for.
cool. I'm learning something new every day!
@Pongleton: a fellow citizen of Yappingtown? (but yeah I've hit the limit or been right on the edge of it many times I enjoy the sound of my keyboard too much ig hahaha)
can somebody give me some haunting motivation to do something
@TruthTheX: lame that was me on reddit earlier in the cycle and while I was still studying for/ taking the LSAT hahaha
@WasabiPirates: I had to get off Reddit it just became too toxic especially recently. Had someone coming after my job choice as the reason I didn't get in anywhere and god it was just unpleasant. Great toll for info but at the same time it can be so icky. People are people Ig haha
(that said, I still furiously poll reddit regarding the happenings of GULC I am the ultimate Gtown stalker ong)
@TruthTheX: ohhh I totally feel you. It's a great source of info , or it was in the earlier days of the cycle but definitely agreed at a certain point the useful : obnoxious ratio started leaning hard the wrong direction. My few brief encounters with the LawSchool sub is that it basically all toxic unless you think like everyone else on the sub. If not, get ready to be downvoted into oblivion, scorned, and ridiculed by every commenter.
@TruthTheX: aren't you already committed to GW though? lol
I am committed to GW at the moment. I can't R&R I can't do another year so I had to deposit somewhere. If nothing changes I'll go to GW and I'm sure I'll be happy but ya know how it is... gotta try for the dream school
I put down the first deposit at least, kiiiiiinda wishing and hoping and coping that maybe I'll get a miracle WL A before the second (or the third) deposits
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