

Class of 2027
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School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
8 Columbia University Accepted Unknown Feb 05 2024-02-05
5 Harvard University Rejected Unknown Jan 10 2024-01-10
5 New York University Accepted Unknown $75,000 Jan 24 2024-01-24
1 Stanford University Waitlisted RDregular decision Nov 16 2023-11-16
10 UCBerkeley Accepted Unknown $75,000 Jan 18 2024-01-18
3 UChicago Waitlisted Unknown
4 UPennsylvania Waitlisted Unknown
8 UVirginia Waitlisted Unknown
1 Yale University Rejected RDregular decision Jan 16 2024-01-16


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i spent three months max on LSAT i know i can do better lol
wont help youre outcomes
Should i r&r. I have a 3.95 gpa but only a 16mid
yea temple sucks
Mouse has tl
To be trolling*
aw i'm sorry you had bad results for our shared gpa but it'll be okay bb
binked a 163 on my first scored today after 5 months of studying for it and an average of 172 on pt's for a month prior :O
what a pain, but already signed up for june
jeez homie
@babybunny: its going to be fine im just saying don't ranr its just holding you back from being a lawyer a year earlier
u think it was difficult or u just had a bad showing
I guess I didn't replicate test-day conditions well enough
@StandingOnBusiness: that literally happened to me on the Aug23 exam. My avg score was 172.7 and i got a 163. The LR section felt completely foreign it was bad
@BarryZuckercornEsq: i will c u in stl bud
@StandingOnBusiness: it happens. My first attempt was 162, which I canceled, and then 173 and 178 (don't ask why I took it a third time)
what do u think contributed to the 162 zuck, nerves?
freezing up on LG
I got -0 on the LG, this i know, and the RC felt so far from any that I could connect with or had before (and so I thought it was experimental) and the LR that ended up being scored was the 4th section and I think I was just tilted for it cause I thought it wouldve been the real RC
Speaking of GULC, third highest v10 numbers based on percentage
In my experience i underperformed every single take but i froze up on LR every single exam bc they all felt a lot different than the PT’s
I'm sure I'll do better, it's just that once you do so well in practice and quit your job to study for it you kinda hope for better
but we will persevere lmao
@HomelyLyingMouse: the difference for bunny between a 169 and 172+ would be enormous. R&R is a fine option for them. So is GW, though
For the lsat, just accept you suck lol shit hapoens homie. I was pt 173+ for literally 6 months, 9 months, and 11 months - still shit the bed cuz i guess i am dumb (finishing all sections early and double checking like PTs just is different on test day i guess). Just remember, every person who went to law school says not to but every real estate agent says “I will have fries, thank you.”
the fact is 5 point on the lsat isn't changing anyone oponion
That is absolutely not a fact
Going from below median to above median at most T14s is in fact a big deal
@standingonbusiness same, like the others I prepped for a whole year and after 2 to 3 months of consistent 174s on PTs i scored a 161 on my actually exam... Standardized testing is as much a mental health game as it is material. I regrouped and took a few months to really focus on my mental health and managing my anxiety and i ended up with a 169. Not my best, and im sure if i kept with it i could have eventually preformed as well as I was on practice exams, but it was good enough for me. my advice would be to make sure you make time to take care of your mental space.
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