

Law Schools in Wisconsin

Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in Wisconsin? There are 2 ABA accredited law schools in Wisconsin.

The highest ranked law school in Wisconsin is University of Wisconsin, which was ranked 40 by US News in 2023. The school has an LSAT median of 165 and a GPA median of 3.73.

The best law school in Wisconsin depends on what you're looking for. Every law school is different, just like every person is different.

Other schools in Wisconsin include Marquette University Law School. If you want to go to law school in Wisconsin, you should consider these schools.

ABA accredited law schools in Wisconsin

  1. Wisconsin Law School
  2. Marquette University Law School

You can also check out law schools in the states that border Wisconsin: Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota.

Detailed information on Wisconsin law schools

Wisconsin Law School

Madison, Wisconsin
Rank 40 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 40 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 157/165/167
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.41/3.73/3.85
  • Acceptance rate: 35.2
  • Bar passage rate: 90.0

Marquette University Law School

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Rank 71 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 71 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 153/155/158
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.38/3.63/3.76
  • Acceptance rate: 41.0
  • Bar passage rate: 50.0


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good morning yall another day another rhoutbvrotuvhuytb2ueobfcyruovbcbfew
valley make the kids nae nae the pledge of allegiance this morning
Don't tempt me
18 days until freedom.
Lol 61 for me
How's everyone doing this morning?
good morning
Fingers crossed for some UNT movement so I can finally officially say I've been accepted somewhere lmfao
today's the day!!
the sun is shining the tank is clean
i cant believe theres 18 days left for you
61 days feel unbelievable as well but at the opposite end of the spectrum im somewhere in the middle
gm y'all. the struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. one must imagine sisyphus happy.
Like, in a few months, I'm going to be in a classroom as a student again for the first time in seven years
this shit's wild
I think I have 45 work days left? It feels like an eternity, I'm so ready to be a student again
nah dead ass late night group studies with a box a pizza
walking in to class and seeing your boy has a seat open next to him
technically i have 9 days left, but of those days that i'm actually learning, i have 4
@ValleyH: very excited for you and all of us. We will crush it
y'all see the reddit update ab the duke wl
i'm so upset i was really enjoying hanging onto hope and being delulu
458 more work days
good morning gang
will today finally be the day im let out to pasture
@OptimisticOutlier: no tell me
just saw nvm
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: Thank you! I'm super excited for all of us as well. We're going to be awesome lawyers.
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