

Class of 2028
First choice school:
Criminology and Criminal Justice
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Apps submitted
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Sharkiana223's wisdom for future generations

School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
32 Arizona State Univer... WL, Accepted RDregular decision $12,000 Mar 05 2024-03-05
80 Case Western Reserve... Accepted RDregular decision $90,000 Apr 19 2024-04-19
8 Columbia University Rejected RDregular decision Apr 09 2024-04-09
69 Georgia State Univer... Rejected RDregular decision Apr 17 2024-04-17
5 Harvard University Rejected RDregular decision Mar 18 2024-03-18
84 Loyola University—Ch... Pending RDregular decision
22 Ohio State University Pending RDregular decision
29 Texas A&M University Pending RDregular decision
3 UChicago Rejected RDregular decision Apr 09 2024-04-09
84 UCincinnati Accepted RDregular decision $9,000 Apr 11 2024-04-11
60 UHouston Rejected RDregular decision Mar 11 2024-03-11
71 UMiami Pending RDregular decision
10 UMichigan Rejected RDregular decision Mar 15 2024-03-15
4 UPennsylvania Rejected RDregular decision Apr 17 2024-04-17
1 Yale University Rejected RDregular decision Apr 09 2024-04-09


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I only applied to two... H and Y
Also everyone has imposter syndrome no matter what school you go to, you’ll be a okay kid
My bad I meant metro, was typing two different thoughts
ooo gotcha.
when i say this cycle has been crazy
a lot of personal development for sure
@SquidwardsHouse: do you have ny guess on when the next A wave will be?
some YP maybe but a lot of it is def culture and the fact that im kjd
but I was able to send a loci with some pretty significant updates
hoping it can get me off a waitlist or two. I only sent LOCI to HYS.
I deadass don't think HLS read the LOCI for this wave
Got two friends at UPenn and they love it, hope you get off the waitlist you want by either way you’re solid !
I sent mine on May 1st. Kinda curious how they were able to read it so fast.
@WhatDoIHaveToLose: yeah I visited and I really loved Penn. If I get into HLS it will be a tough decision. Made some friends at Penn. If I get into YLS though, will be a nobrainer for me.
@GreenJumbledScorpion: did they get back to you with a decision and that’s why ur thinking it was fast??
they gave me a HLS II quick
Can’t imagine it takes them that long to read what, maybe 200 LOCIs?
@MetroHero: same wave as you - that $$ from Penn is nice and idk if hls name makes up for the money you’d potentially miss out from them, Yale on the other hand would make up for any $$ lacking
HLS’s waitlist isn’t THAT big considering the class size. They reject a whole lot more than they waitlist, which isn't the case at a lot of other T14s
I’d just caution that Yale isn’t the silver bullet that people treat it as.
had not thought of it that way.
@GreenJumbledScorpion: take up squidward for interview recs lol you wanna be fully prepared and aware of what can go down
IK, I am just seeing when I will have time.
When’s the interview ? Do they give u a few days or a week ?
For Yale, I worry that people blindly sometimes take it because it’s always been #1 and “no one turns down Yale” without thinking more deeply about whether it’s the right environment for them, or whether the unicorn things it gives you better odds at are even still attainable for any given member of the class. A lot of students were fairly happy, but there was a handful that felt jipped/sold a bag of goods
When I toured it was an “aha” moment where I realized it’s not the vibe for me. It felt like it was arbitrarily put in a random spot and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was when people asked the tour guide how students generally felt the answer was “it’s YLS, we’re all just grateful”
And mind you, at Admitted Students events they are generally trying to put you in contact with the people that ENJOY Yale.
Granted I’d still really consider it if I was fortunate with my stats to get in but I would really take in the factors I felt when touring and thinking if I’d really enjoy the next 3 years there
Yeah, the vibe wasn’t for me. Too small and reminded me almost of a high school environent
LOL for real, one of the hallways really felt like a high school with lockers. Exterior was beautiful though
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