

Class of 2027
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School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
109 Chapman University Pending RDregular decision
60 Loyola Marymount Uni... Pending RDregular decision
35 UCIrvine Pending RDregular decision
14 UCLos Angeles Waitlisted RDregular decision
16 USouthern California Pending RDregular decision


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only an issue for us yappers
i use a laptop for this site and it keeps a little counter underneath the chatbox
i havent even finished my UG finals, taken the LSAT, or gotten LORs.. but im still pumped for law school :')
I've seen that but never paid it any mind
had no idea that's what that's for.
cool. I'm learning something new every day!
@Pongleton: a fellow citizen of Yappingtown? (but yeah I've hit the limit or been right on the edge of it many times I enjoy the sound of my keyboard too much ig hahaha)
can somebody give me some haunting motivation to do something
@TruthTheX: lame that was me on reddit earlier in the cycle and while I was still studying for/ taking the LSAT hahaha
@WasabiPirates: I had to get off Reddit it just became too toxic especially recently. Had someone coming after my job choice as the reason I didn't get in anywhere and god it was just unpleasant. Great toll for info but at the same time it can be so icky. People are people Ig haha
(that said, I still furiously poll reddit regarding the happenings of GULC I am the ultimate Gtown stalker ong)
@TruthTheX: ohhh I totally feel you. It's a great source of info , or it was in the earlier days of the cycle but definitely agreed at a certain point the useful : obnoxious ratio started leaning hard the wrong direction. My few brief encounters with the LawSchool sub is that it basically all toxic unless you think like everyone else on the sub. If not, get ready to be downvoted into oblivion, scorned, and ridiculed by every commenter.
@TruthTheX: aren't you already committed to GW though? lol
I am committed to GW at the moment. I can't R&R I can't do another year so I had to deposit somewhere. If nothing changes I'll go to GW and I'm sure I'll be happy but ya know how it is... gotta try for the dream school
I put down the first deposit at least, kiiiiiinda wishing and hoping and coping that maybe I'll get a miracle WL A before the second (or the third) deposits
Sorry idk if we were only supposed to pick a neon green once we are initially committed or like end game committed. But I guess thinking about it end game makes more sense so Imma set it back
ahh gotcha. Totally understand! I hope you manage to secure an GULC A as well my guy! What are the chances of them admitting off the WL at this point, you think? I didn't apply there so I haven't kept up with how their cycle is going so far. I've got 3 school deposit installments in so far, just so I can keep negotiating with my top choice for more money. haha And now with a couple more A's that came in this week I might have to pay a couple more if they offer me enough to be work using in negotiations. O.o I just keep telling myself that $1200 now could save me 10's of thousands of dollars later
Yeah, I think the Neon green is just for end game. That's how I always take it at least. But hey, who cares. I think 10% of the accounts on here are just trolls anyway lol
maybe 5%
Honestly I have no idea as to my chances. I got the feeler emails they sent a week ago so i thought pretty good, but then I heard some people's apps changed statuses back to "app complete" from "decision rendered" in the status checker and mine has no change (yet fingers crossed) so not sure. I am sure they probably have a good deal of seats filled atm but I also know plenty of those folks are waiting on other higher ranked schools so... honestly just can't guess or say what my chances are until Dean Andy reaches out again at some point stating what movement can be expected in the coming months. What I will have going for me though is I can remain on the list through orientation because, with GW, I am already planning to attend law school in D.C. so I wouldn't have to move at all
@TruthTheX: we have similar GPA but your LSAT is three points higher than mine and we got the same scholarship. you should try negotiating with GW at least
From every account I have seen, successful GW negotiations tend to come with a binding agreement and I can't accept that
ohh that makes sense
how come georgetown is your dream school? what do you want to do that they’re uniquely suited for? politics?
Government and academia. I actually kinda talked about it in off topic a bit ago if ya wanna see more in depth what the appeal is
when did you interview truth) im surprised they wled you
if you want to work in DC, GW is great for that
binding agreement sucks. But the fact that you'll be in a great position to just switch schools to GULC even if it's on the first day of classes is amazing! Lucky guy! I think that's gotta be like THE defining issue for most people in not being able to wait beyond like July for a decision. Gotta have time to move and settle in.
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