

Law Schools in Oregon

Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in Oregon? There are 3 ABA accredited law schools in Oregon.

The highest ranked law school in Oregon is University of Oregon, which was ranked 78 by US News in 2023. The school has an LSAT median of 158 and a GPA median of 3.57.

The best law school in Oregon depends on what you're looking for. Every law school is different, just like every person is different.

Other schools in Oregon include Lewis and Clark Law School, Willamette University College of Law. If you want to go to law school in Oregon, you should consider these schools.

ABA accredited law schools in Oregon

  1. University of Oregon School of Law
  2. Lewis and Clark Law School
  3. Willamette University College of Law

You can also check out law schools in the states that border Oregon: California, Idaho, Nevada, Washington.

Detailed information on Oregon law schools

University of Oregon School of Law

Eugene, Oregon
Rank 78 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 78 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 155/158/161
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.37/3.57/3.76
  • Acceptance rate: 55.3
  • Bar passage rate: 88.2

Lewis and Clark Law School

Portland, Oregon
Rank 84 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 84 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 158/161/164
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.25/3.52/3.69
  • Acceptance rate: 52.0
  • Bar passage rate: 80.5

Willamette University College of Law

Salem , Oregon
Rank 155 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 155 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 151/154/156
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.02/3.25/3.67
  • Acceptance rate: 58.9
  • Bar passage rate: 68.5


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seems pretty weird for them to be grouped like that and all private idk
Maybe they're updating before the weekend?
[] ararara
SLS class size is so tiny and yield so high probably best to ignore those when they’re all bunched up like that and private!
[] ararara
Also a good idea to ignore statistical outliers (even though I haven’t seen what their stats are!)!
[] ararara
If you Stanford As are real though congratulations that’s amazing it’s Friday so we riot!!
If you interview with a dean after being WL how good are your odds of admission
Has anyone interviewed after being on the WL
ooooh which school
It is pretty good to be interviewed by dean if you are WL
I was just curious
why is yield % insightful to look at for a WL'ed applicant? sorry to interrupt everyones conversation
It’s good for their ranking. And increasing yield is easier to do with WL stuff
Bc you can be more certain of an applicant’s genuine interest by their persistence
thank you!!
Question for the general chat. Sent an addendum to WashU today. Received an email that asked me whether I have deposited anywhere; if so, where; and how long I would like to remain on the waitlist. Does anyone have any idea why these questions would be asked, particularly the first two (I'm not confused about why the third would be asked). I don't have any problem with their asking these questions. I just found it unusual, since no other school I've spoken to since being waitlisted has done that.
I feel I must clarify that I know the probability of being admitted off the waitlist here (or anywhere else where I'm waitlisted) is low. Nonetheless, I am curious what you'll think the answers to my questions are. Gracias.
i definitely wouldnt 100% know, but if i had to guess I would say it's to gauge how likely you would be to accept an offer off the waitlist if it's given to you. like if you said you deposited at a higher ranked school and they have reason to think they wouldn't be able to offer you much in terms of scholarship they might try to pick someone else off the waitlist
or conversely if you said you hadn't deposited at a school or deposited somewhere significantly less prestigious they might think you are more likely to take an offer if it's given to you
I see. I could see that. Makes sense. Thanks.
They’re trying to gauge your interest and trying to see how to prioritize waitlist reviews.
does anyone know if people have been admitted off GULC WL yet this cycle
I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone being admitted to Georgetown off the waitlist yet
Although according to LSD data, a few people have
Based on decision dates, 3 of the 4 people who've logged a "WL, Accepted" result for Georgetown under the 2024-2025 cycle are actually past applicants who picked the wrong cycle
(You can tell because decision dates are 2019/12/06 for one, 2023/05/10 for two others)
There's one WL➜A result dated 2024/04/25, but Georgetown does not appear to have made a significant number of waitlist offers yet
No one gets A off Wl
Best to withdraw and make other plans
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