


Simple English definitions for legal terms

guest statute

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A quick definition of guest statute:

A guest statute is a law in some states that says if you are a passenger in a car and you get hurt because of the driver's mistake, you can only sue them if they were really, really careless. This means they did something really dangerous like driving drunk or ignoring a problem with the car. The law is there to protect drivers from getting sued by their friends or family members who were just riding in the car with them.

A more thorough explanation:

A guest statute is a law that exists in only a few states in the United States. It prevents a passenger who is not paying for the ride from suing the driver if they are injured due to the driver's simple negligence. In other words, the passenger can only sue the driver if the driver's actions were extremely reckless or intentional.

For example, if a passenger is hurt because the driver was texting while driving, the passenger cannot sue the driver under the guest statute. However, if the driver was drunk or intentionally driving recklessly, the passenger can sue the driver.

The purpose of the guest statute is to protect drivers from being sued by passengers who are not paying for the ride. It is important to note that the guest statute only applies to passengers who are not paying for the ride. If a passenger is paying for the ride, they can sue the driver for any negligence.

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ugh that is annoying, thank you!
it's still something to make your applications stand out though!
WID how are you this morning
are you live laugh loving?
good morning future lawyers
after tomorrow, I only have two weeks left of teaching
and then I am FREE
(assuming I rock the LSAT in June and SMU lets me in ofc)
oh my god it's actually dead in here now :')
all the regulars are gone
all the regulars were alts of like two people in the last little while lmao
looool that's true
yea dead internet theory crazy
@ValleyH: I'm still here but yeah i guess most people's cycles are over now
i'm just here because i'm bored at work tbh
i'm not getting off either WL i'm on
Damn, I hope there will be people here to disco if I get off the SMU W:L
We'll get more people on here from reddit to disco with you!
Yay <3
It would be well earned that is for sure
god another day in cycle hell, when will my suffering end
fordham please
good morning btw lol
Good morning lol
would it be a bad idea to request a meeting w an admissions rep from duke? you can request virtual meetings to ask ab admissions, not sure if they'd be annoyed at me scheduling one while waitlisted
is there a USNWR benefit for a school to waitlist a lot of people?
I wouldn't think that would be a bad idea. Just come prepared with some quality questions about the waitlist process.
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